Nowhere (Event)

This official Burning Man regional event is an experiment in creative freedom, participation and contents cash-free community. Based on the principles of radical self-expression, radical self-reliance, no commerce, participation and leave no trace, it’s what the participants (sometimes called No-oners or Nobodies) make of it.
Basic Info
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Annual Art & Transformational Festival
Secondary Category (If any)
July Event |
Price / Entry Fee
Starting from 80 euros per adult
Opening Period
Early July (5 days)
(Check website for details)
Driving, Parking & Travel Info
Drive to village of Castejón de Monegros or Sariñena, then drive on gravel road to destination
Known For
Official Burning Man Regional Event
Day Trip from Major Cities
1 hour drive from Zaragoza or Lleida
2.5 hour drive from Barcelona
See on Google Map
Castejón de Monegros, 22222, Huesca, Spain