China > Sichuan > Mount Emei Scenic Area > Leshan Giant Buddha

Leshan Giant Buddha

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This 71-metre tall stone statue at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River was carved out of a cliff between 713 and 803, led by a Chinese monk named Hai Tong who hoped that the Buddha would calm the turbulent waters that plagued the shipping vessels traveling down the river. Apparently, the massive construction resulted in so much stone being deposited into the river below that the currents were indeed altered, making the water safe for passing ships.
Basic Info Add / Edit

Large Stone Statue

Height / Elevation

71-metre (233 ft)

Known For

UNESCO World Heritage Site
Tallest Pre-Modern Statue in the World
Unique Attraction

Day Trip from Major Cities

Day trip from Leshan or Chengdu possible

Leshan Giant Buddha, 2345 Lingyun Rd, Shizhong District, Leshan, Leshan, Sichuan, China, 614099



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