China > Guizhou > Z-Cliff Hotel (Guizhou)

Z-Cliff Hotel (Guizhou)

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This cliffside hotel in the Qianxinan Buyi and Miao autonomous Prefecture is known for its beautiful panoramic views of the nearby mountains, and hosts a wide variety of sports and nature activities.
Basic Info Add / Edit

Cliffside Hotel

Average Price (Standard Room)

Starting from US$60 per room per night
(Check website for details)

Train Station(s) Service

Anlong Railway Station
Ceheng Railway Station

Known For

Panoramic Views
Unique Hotel: Cliffside Hotel

Day Trip from Major Cities

3 hour drive from Anshun
3.5 hour drive from Guiyang
4 hour drive from Qujing
5 hour drive from Kunming

Lishu Village, Anlong County, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou, China, 552406

Special Info & Comments

Within the Anlong National Mountain Outdoor Sports Demonstration Park

