Founded in 1541 by the Spanish conqueror Pedro de Valdivia, this city is known for its 19th-century neoclassical architecture and winding side-streets, dotted by art deco and neo-gothic architecture. There are many historical and cultural landmarks throughout the city, plus numerous recreational areas and parks.
Basic Info
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Metropolitan Region
Secondary Category (If any)
Capital City (Alpha City)
Total Districts
5 Provinces:
- Santiago
- Chacabuco
- Cordillera
- Maipo
- Melipilla
- Talagante
Airport(s) & Port Harbor(s) Service
Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (SCL)
Day Trip from Major Cities
1 hour drive (or 2 hour train or bus) from Rancagua
1.5 hour drive (or 2 hour bus) from Valparaíso
See on Google Map
Santiago, Chile