
This famous boulder is wedged in a crevasse.on the mountain Kjerag, suspended above a 984-metre (3,228 ft) deep abyss. It is a popular tourist destination and is accessible without any climbing equipment.
Basic Info
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Suspended Boulder
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Unique Attraction
Driving & Parking Info
Øygardstøl (Kjerag Parking): Fee 200 NOK
From Øygardstøl is a 3-4 hour hike (12 km one-way) to Kjeragbolten
Height / Elevation
989 m (3,245 ft)
Best Time to Visit
Summer: June to September
Day Trip from Major Cities
16 min drive from Lysebotn
2.5 hour drive from Stavanger
3.5 hour drive from Kristiansand
See on Google Map
Kjeragbolten, Norway