Firefly Squid Boat Tour

Boat Tour
Night Bioluminescence Area (Insect Attraction)
Spring: Late-March to Early-May (Differs every year)
Starts at 2:30 AM
5,000 Yen per adult
Book from Hotaruika Museum website starting from mid-January (or call +818034729305)
2:30 AM: Meet at Hotaruika Museum Souvenir Shop Reception Desk
2:50 AM: Embark boat
3:00 AM: Depart from Port to firefly squid fishing zone in Toyama Bay
4:30 AM: Return to Port
(Timing subject to change)
2 hours
April: Peak Firefly Squid Period & Big Tour Boat Capacity
30 min drive from Toyama
1.5 hour drive from Kanazawa
2 hour drive from Takayama
2.5 hour drive from Nagano
3 hour drive from Niigata
1 - 3 Months Before, >3 Months Before
Hotaruika Museum, 410 Nakagawara, Namerikawa, Toyama 936-0021, Japan
- Availability is limited, book as early as possible to secure your spot(s) on the tour
- Tour may be canceled due to bad weather
- During the tour, you may not be able to see any light emission from the firefly squid due to a poor catch or other reasons