Ashikaga Flower Park

Flower Park
- Heralding Spring (Early Jan to Late Feb): Pheasant's Eye, Christmas Rose, Winter Clematis
- Spring Flower Festival (Early Mar to Mid Apr): Tulips, Crocus, Thunberg's Meadowsweet
- Wisteria Story (Mid Apr to Mid May): Japanese Wisteria, Japanese Azalea, Peony
- Rainbow Garden (Mid May to Early Jun): Rose, Rhododendron, Clematis
- Blue & White Garden (Early Jun to Early Jul): Iris, Hydrangea, Clematis
- Water Nymphs (Early Jul to Early Sep): Lantana, Water Lilies
- Purple Garden (Early Oct to Late Nov): Amethyst Sage, Mexican Bush Sage, Pansies
- Bejeweled Flower Garden (End Oct to Late Jan): Festive Illuminations, Pansies, Violas
Mondays to Fridays: 10 AM - 8:30 PM
Saturdays & Sundays: 10 AM - 9:30 PM
Ashikaga Flower Park Station
Flower Attraction
Wisteria Bloom (April Event | May Event)
Popular Wedding Photoshoot Location
Mid April to Mid May: Wisteria Bloom (Peak in Late April)
2 hour drive (or train) from Tokyo
2.5 hour drive (or train) from Yokohama
Ashikaga Flower Park, 607 Hasama-cho, Ashikaga city, Tochigi Prefecture329-4216